学生必须提交 FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生援助)被考虑为联邦财政援助.

学生必须提交 FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生援助)被考虑为联邦财政援助. It is available beginning October 1st for the following academic year. 政府使用FAFSA中的信息和联邦公式来确定学生援助指数(SAI)。. 访问FAFSA fafsa.政府. Students will need an FSA ID and password to complete the FAFSA. 一个可以在 studentaid.政府 / fsa-id. More 信息 about the FAFSA and federal aid is available at studentaid.政府. For tips on completing the FAFSA, watch 如何填写FAFSA.

一旦FAFSA完成, 学生和亚博体育公司(如果在FAFSA上列出)收到FAFSA提交摘要. The school code for Warner Pacific is 003225.


ORSAA:俄勒冈州居民 无法提交FAFSA may apply for the Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA) online at OregonStudentAid.政府. 该申请决定了俄勒冈州助学金以及亚博体育机构财政援助的资格.

Need Application: Residents of states other than Oregon 无法提交FAFSA的学生可以提交亚博体育需求申请来申请亚博体育机构财政援助.

FAFSA豁免: 一些学生可能有资格放弃FAFSA或需要申请的要求. 提交FAFSA豁免表明不会使用任何类型的联邦财政援助(包括贷款计划). 请在填写此表格之前联系经济援助办公室或招生顾问.


The FAFSA provides eligibility to borrow loans. Part of a student’s Federal financial aid award includes Federal 工作人员ord 贷款. 如果学生选择贷款来帮助支付教育费用, the student must complete two steps to receive the loan funds.

  1. Federal 工作人员ord Loan Entrance Counseling:过去从未在亚博体育银行借过联邦贷款的学生需要在网上完成这项咨询 studentaid.政府.
  2. 主本票:本贷款协议由学生填写,以表明其打算在离校或半衰期以下时偿还贷款.


  • 登录到 studentaid.政府 使用你的FSA ID.
  • 在页面顶部,点击“完成援助过程”,并参考下一页的“下一步”
  • Under Step 05: 完整的 Entrance Counseling, click on “first loan”
  • Select “登录到 Start” for “I am an Undergraduate Student”
  • 登录时,使用您的FSA ID登录(与填写FAFSA时使用的相同)
  • When completing the Notify These Schools section, select Oregon as the state and 亚博体育 as the school
  • After completing Entrance Counseling, 在这一页的顶部, click on “完整的 Aid Process” and refer to “Next Steps” on the next page
  • 在步骤04:签署贷款协议下,点击“填写主本票”
  • 选择“我是本科生”旁的“有资助/无资助贷款MPN”“登入亚博体育”
  • 登录时,使用您的FSA ID登录(与填写FAFSA时使用的相同)
  • When completing the School Information section, select Oregon as the state and 亚博体育 as the school
  • 您将需要两个人的参考信息,使用以下标准:
    • 列出两个拥有不同美国国籍的人.S. addresses who have known you for at least three years
    • The first reference should be a parent or legal guardian
    • References must have different addresses and telephone numbers
  • 输入所需的信息,并记住保存一份完整的MPN副本以备记录.
  • Once you complete the MPN and Entrance Counseling, 您的财务援助自助服务清单(MyWP)不会立即更新. It may take time for these checklist items to show as completed; don’t worry.


Warner Pacific provides student 金融援助 Award Letters online through the MyWP门户. 入学后,新学生将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含他们的WP网络登录名和临时密码. Look for this email so that you can login to MyWP when you receive your award letter notification email.

Accept your 金融援助 and Sign your Award Letter on MyWP

  • 登录到 MyWP.
  • 点击“助学金”, 然后在左上角的“学生网络顾问”下的“经济援助清单”.
  • From the drop-down menu, choose My Awards. Accept (or decline) each award, as needed.
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Award Letter. Click the acceptance box at the bottom of the page.
  • If you are selected for verification, you cannot accept your need-based aid or sign your Award Letter. 完整的 验证需求 越快越好,这样你的经济援助资格就能最终确定下来. 从“经济援助自助服务”的下拉菜单中选择“所需文件”,查看完成验证过程所需的步骤.


Does the FAFSA have to be filled out every year?


  • The 2024-25 FAFSA includes fall 2024, spring 2025 and summer 2025
  • The 2023-24 FAFSA includes fall 2023, spring 2024 and summer 2024


You will need to create an FSA ID and password at studentaid.政府 / fsa-id.


If you earned income and are not sure if you need to file, go to the 国税局互动税务助理 to find out if you need to file taxes. 如果你不需要提交, you can simply list any income you may have earned during that tax year.


最有可能的是,你已经报税了,因为大多数报税的截止日期已经过去了. 如果你还没有提交,你必须这样做,以便有资格获得联邦财政援助.

与此同时, 你可以填写FAFSA预估信息,并在你报税后修改它.

What 信息 do I need to fill out the FAFSA?


  • 你的 FSA ID登录 信息
  • Other contributor name, address, Social Security Number, and email 信息
  • 谁是我的FAFSA的贡献者?
  • 您的税务资料
    • 2024-25 FAFSA – 2022 tax 信息
    • 2023-24 FAFSA – 2021 tax 信息
  • 未纳税收入记录
  • Cash, savings and checking account balances
  • 亚博体育’s school code: 003225


你的 FSA ID is a username and password that you must use to login to certain U.S. Department of Education (ED) websites. 您的FSA ID将您识别为有权在ED网站(如FAFSA)上访问您自己的个人信息的人.

It’s important to understand that a student and parent may not share an FSA ID. 你的 FSA ID is your signature, so it has to be unique to you. If you are a parent of a dependent student, 如果你想以电子方式签署孩子的FAFSA表格,你需要自己的FSA ID. If you have more than one child attending college, you can use the same FSA ID to sign all applications, but each child must have his or her own.

What tax year is required for the FAFSA?

  • The 2024-25 FAFSA uses your 2022 tax 信息.
  • The 2023-24 FAFSA uses your 2021 tax 信息.


A new FAFSA is available each year on Oct. 1.

FSA ID故障处理

The 下列问题 and more are answered in detail at studentaid.政府.

  • What if I forgot my FSA ID username and/or password?
  • What do I do if I get a message saying my FSA ID is locked?
  • 什么是金融服务管理局身份证?
  • 为什么我的FSA ID不能用?
  • 谁需要FSA身份证?


How do I know if I am a dependent or independent student?

如果你对所有的回答都是否定的 下列问题, 你可能是一个受抚养的学生,在填写FAFSA时可能需要提供你父母的财务信息.

  • 到12月你会年满24岁吗. 31 of the school year for which you are applying for financial aid?
  • 你会攻读硕士或博士学位(如硕士、MBA、医学博士、法学博士、博士、教育博士等)吗.)?
  • Are you married or separated but not divorced?
  • Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you?
  • 你是否有受抚养人(子女或配偶除外)与你同住,并从你那里获得超过一半的生活费?
  • At any time since you turned age 13, 你的父母都去世了吗, 你被寄养了吗, or were you a ward or dependent of the court?
  • 你是一个被解放的未成年人,还是在法庭的监护下?
  • 你是一个无家可归或自食其力并面临无家可归风险的无人陪伴的青少年吗?
  • Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. 武装部队 for purposes other than training?
  • 你是美国的老兵吗.S. 武装部队?

如果我的父母(或我), if filing independently) haven’t filed their/my taxes, should I still fill out the FAFSA or wait?

You can fill out the FAFSA using estimated tax 信息. 任何更改或更正都需要在您完成纳税后更新FAFSA.

My parents are not helping me pay for school. How can I file without using their income 信息?

根据FAFSA的要求,只要你被认为是受抚养人,你就必须继续使用你父母的收入信息. 参考上面的问题来确定你是独立学生还是独立学生.

What is the deadline to submit FAFSA?

Each October, the FAFSA is available for the next school year. 虽然我们没有最后期限, 为了满足州和学校财政援助的最后期限,尽快填写是很重要的. It also ensures that you can complete your registration on-time.

What is the Student Aid Index (SAI)?

The FAFSA calculates an Student Aid Index (SAI), 哪个是大学用来确定你是否有资格获得联邦财政援助的指数.

What is verification, and why do I have to do it?

每年,美国政府都在进行财政改革.S. 教育部随机抽取完成FAFSA的学生中约22%进行验证. If selected, there’s no need to worry! 核查只是为了确保提交给FAFSA的信息与实际纳税记录相符.

If you’re selected, you will need to complete a 验证工作表 and submit tax transcripts for both the parent and student. 你的财务援助顾问会将税务文件上的数字与你在FAFSA上报告的数字进行比较,并在必要时更新你的记录. 如果你在验证完成之前已经收到了奖项,可能会发送修改后的奖项.

